A basic program to add, delete and update records in a database file is more complicated than
it should be.
Here is a straight-forward program that is a pretty good starting place for writing such a
maintenance program. There is nothing dramatic about the program. It is just an easy to
follow program that is being shown here to help inexperienced programmers.
It is fairly full featured. It includes feedback messages to the user to confirm that data
was added or updated. It includes a message if the user hits F3 and no action was taken.
Deletes require hitting F9 to confirm. There is also a selection "N", for next, which allows
the user to navigate through the file.
There is no automatic download feature here. Simply cut and paste the code to your AS/400.
1) Create the physical file. It is named CUST.
To run it, CALL CUSTR01.
Below is a visual of how the display screens will appear using the RPG program named CUSTR01.
2) Create the display file. It is named CUSTD01.
3) Create the RPG program (RPG III) or Create the RPG program (RPG IV). It is named CUSTR01.
Screen 1 - Inquiry Screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DMOUNT ADD/UPDATE/DELETE/INQUIRE 12/01/00 CUSTR01 15:07:43 (A)dd, (U)pdate, (D)elete (I)nquire, (N)ext _ Cust# ______ F3=EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen 2 - Maintenance Screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DMOUNT CUSTOMER FILE MAINTENANCE 12/01/00 CUSTR01 ADD 15:08:33 Cust# 111222 Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip 00000 F3=EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------