Writing an Add/Change/Delete/Inquiry maintenance program in RPG IV

This is the RPG IV source code for the Add/Change/Delete program named CUSTR01.

     FCUSTD01   CF   E             WORKSTN
     FCUST      UF A E           K DISK
     D RecOK           S              1a
     D Err1            C                   CONST('RECORD ALREADY ON FI-
     D                                     LE')
     D Err2            C                   CONST('RECORD IS NOT  ON FI-
     D                                     LE')
     D Err3            C                   CONST('NO MORE RECORDS')
     D Err4            C                   CONST('ZIP CAN NOT BE BLANK')
     D Err5            C                   CONST('NAME IS MANDATORY')
     D Err6            C                   CONST('STATE IS MANDATORY')
     D Err7            C                   CONST('INVALID ACTION')
     D Err8            C                   CONST('NO MORE RECORDS')
     D Msg1            C                   CONST('RECORD ADDED')
     D Msg2            C                   CONST('RECORD UPDATED')
     D Msg3            C                   CONST('RECORD DELETED')
     D Msg4            C                   CONST('HIT F9 TO DELETE')
     D Msg9            C                   CONST('NO ACTION TAKEN')
     C     KEYLST        KLIST
     C                   KFLD                    CSNBR
     C* Display the add, delete, inquire, next, or update screen
     C* and process unless user hit F3 (indicator 03)
     C                   DoW       *in03 = *off
     C                   ExFmt     SCR1
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = *blanks
     C                   Eval      *in90  = *off
     C                   If        *in03 = *off
     C                   Select
     C                   When      Action = 'A'
     C                   ExSr      AddRecord
     C                   When      Action = 'D'
     C                   ExSr      DltRecord
     C                   When      Action = 'I'
     C                   ExSr      InqRecord
     C                   When      Action = 'N'
     C                   ExSr      NextRecord
     C                   When      Action = 'U'
     C                   ExSr      UpdRecord
     C                   Other
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err7
     C                   Eval      *in90  = *on
     C                   EndSl
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndDo
     C                   Eval      *inlr = *on
     C                   Return
     C     AddRecord     BegSr
     C* Indicator 80 is used by the display file to protect most fields
     C* since we are in ADD mode, set the indicator off to allow field entry
     C                   Eval      *IN80  = *off
     C                   Eval      MODE   = ' ADD'
     C* See if customer is already on file. If so, display error
     C     KEYLST        Chain     CUST                               91
     C                   If        *in91  = *off
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err1
     C* Indicator 90 draws attention to the error line with reverse display
     C                   Eval      *in90  = *on
     C                   Else
     C                   ExSr      AddScreen
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndSr
     C     AddScreen     BegSr
     C* Clear all fields except the key field
     C     *NOKEY        Clear                   CSREC
     C                   Eval      RecOK = 'n'
     C* Stay on this screen until user gets it right or hits F3
     C                   Dow       RecOK = 'n'    and
     C                             *in03 = *off
     C                   ExFmt     SCR2
     C                   If        *in03 = *off
     C                   ExSr      EditRecord
     C                   If        recOK = 'y'
     C                   Write     CSREC
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Msg9
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Else
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Msg9
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndDo
     C                   Eval      *in03  = *off
     C                   EndSr
     C     DltRecord     BegSr
     C* Indicator 80 is used by the display file to protect most fields
     C* since we are in DLT mode, set the indicator on for no field entry
     C                   Eval      *in80   = *on
     C                   Eval      MODE    = 'DELETE'
     C* Display "Hit F9 to DELETE" in ERRLIN
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN  = Msg4
     C                   Eval      *in90   = *on
     C* See if customer is on file. If not, show error Msg
     C     KEYLST        Chain     CUST                               91
     C                   If        *in91   = *on
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN  = Err2
     C                   Else
     C* If customer is on file, show screen again and see if user hit F9
     C* to confirm delete
     C                   ExFmt     SCR2
     C                   Eval      *in90   = *off
     C                   If        *in09   = *on
     C                   Delete    CSREC
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN  = Msg3
     C                   Else
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN  = Msg9
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Eval      *in03   = *off
     C                   EndSr
     C     InqRecord     BegSr
     C* Indicator 80 is used by the display file to protect most fields
     C* since we are in DLT mode, set the indicator on for no field entry
     C                   Eval      *in80  = *on
     C                   Eval      MODE   = 'INQUIRY'
     C     KEYLST        Chain     CUST                               91
     C                   If        *in91  = *on
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err2
     C                   Eval      *In90  = *on
     C                   Else
     C                   ExFmt     SCR2
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Eval      *in03  = *off
     C                   EndSr
     C     NextRecord    BegSr
     C                   Eval      *in80  = *on
     C                   Eval      MODE   = 'INQUIRY'
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = *blanks
     C* Set file cursor at cust from screen
     C     KEYLST        SetLL     CUST                               92  93
     C                   If        *in92  = *on
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err3
     C                   Eval      *in90  = *on
     C                   EndIf
     C* Read file to get next customer
     C                   If        ERRLIN = *BLANKS
     C                   Read      CUST                                   90
     C                   If        *in92  = *on
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err3
     C                   Eval      *in90  = *on
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndIf
     C* If *in93 is on, we are at an existing record and need to read past it
     C                   If        *in93  = *on and
     C                             ERRLIN = *blanks
     C                   Read      CUST                                   90
     C                   If        *in90  = *on
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err3
     C                   Eval      *in90 = *on
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndIf
     C                   If        ERRLIN = *blanks
     C                   ExFmt     SCR2
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Eval      *in03  = *off
     C                   EndSr
     C     UpdRecord     BegSr
     C                   Eval      *IN80 = *off
     C                   Eval      MODE  = ' UPDATE '
     C     KEYLST        Chain     CUST                               91
     C                   If        *in91 = *on
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err2
     C                   Eval      *in90 = *on
     C                   Else
     C                   ExSr      UpdScreen
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndSr
     C     UpdScreen     BegSr
     C                   Eval      RecOK = 'n'
     C                   DoW       RecOK = 'n'   and
     C                             *in03 = *off
     C                   ExFmt     SCR2
     C                   If        *in03 = *off
     C                   ExSr      EditRecord
     C                   If        RecOK = 'y'
     C                   Update    CSREC
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Msg2
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Else
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Msg9
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndDo
     C                   Eval      *in03  = *off
     C                   EndSr
     C     EditRecord    BegSr
     C                   Eval      RecOK  = 'y'
     C                   If        CSNAME =  *blanks
     C                   Eval      RecOK  = 'n'
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err5
     C                   Eval      *in90  = *on
     C                   EndIf
     C                   If        CSSTE  =  *blanks
     C                   Eval      RecOK  = 'n'
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err6
     C                   Eval      *in90  = *on
     C                   EndIf
     C                   If        CSZIP  =  *zero
     C                   Eval      RecOK  = 'n'
     C                   Eval      ERRLIN = Err4
     C                   Eval      *in90  = *on
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndSr


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