Basic i5-iSeries-AS400 Skills
Below are some of the basic i5-iSeries-AS400 skills that every RPG programmer should know.
To view sample coding of these skill sets, just click on the underlined topic.
- Display and understand your library list.
- Create a physical file with or without key.
- Create 2 different logical files over a physical file.
- Add a field to a physical file that has logical files.
- Understand how to view relationships between physical and logical files.
- Write an Add/Change/Delete/Inquiry maintenance program.
- Add a sub-file search by a different key.
- Change a sub-file search to build only one screen at a time.
- Use SDA to create a simple menu.
- Use SDA to create a simple help screen.
- Add an edit to #6 that requires chaining to another database, such as a file containing valid states.
- Create a print program to list a file, using DDS to create the print layout and RLU to view the print layout.
- Add a "submit" screen to item #11 to allow a user to enter some selection criteria, then submit print program
- using SBMJOB.
- Repeat #12, but using a CL to create the submit program.
- Change item #12 to print the file in a different sequence by using OPNQRYF.
- Use Selection 25 in PDM to search through source code.
- Understand the use of MONMSG in CL programs.
- Understand how parameters are passed to and from CL programs.
- Understand how parameters are passed to and from RPG programs.
- Using DFU (Data File Utility) to change data in a database.
- Write a CL program to accept values from a screen and store those values in the Local Data Area (LDA).
- Write an RPG program to retrieve the values from #21 and print them.
- Write a Query program to display a file. Use multiple files with matched records.
- Write a Query program to print a file.
- Understand the difference between packed fields and zoned (signed) fields.
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