Job Scheduler

The AS/400 has an excellent job scheduler. It will submit any job at a pre-scheduled time.

Use the command Work With Job Schedule Entries, WRKJOBSCDE.

From the Job Schedule menu, hit F6 to add a job. Simply fill in the values to define when and how often the job runs.

Use anything for the job name. The "Command to run" is what will be submitted.

To run a program named ABC001 from the PROD library every night at 3:00am:

                      Add Job Schedule Entry (ADDJOBSCDE)        
Type choices, press Enter.                                       
Job name . . . . . . . . . . . .   nightlyjob       
Command to run . . . . . . . . .   call prod/ABC001             
Frequency  . . . . . . . . . . .   *Weekly     
Schedule date, or  . . . . . . .   *none       
Schedule day . . . . . . . . . .   *all          
               + for more values                                 
Schedule time  . . . . . . . . .   3:00       
The only surprise with the job scheduler is that it uses the default library list. So, in this case, the job ABC001 might need to establish a correct library list as its first few commands.

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