To see all jobs running on your system, use the
Work with Active Jobs command, WRKACTJOB.
Each sub-system will be displayed with the jobs running
in it. Every terminal signed on the system is a job. There
are many system jobs running to do things like spool reports
and service Telnet and FTP.
The first sub-system listed is often QBATCH. This sub-system
runs user submitted jobs.
The sub-system for on-line users is usually named QINTER.
Most of the users signed on to your system will have their job running here.
Put the cursor in a column and hit F16 (Shift-F4) to sort the display.
To see the users that are consuming most resources, put the cursor
in the CPU% column and hit F16. To sort the users alphabetically,
move the cursor to the User column and hit F16.
Key a 5 next to a job to see its attributes. Key a 4 to end it.