Viewing a Compiler Listing

To view the results of a program compiling, use the Work With Spool File command, WRKSPLF.

You will see a list of reports in your spool file. It will look like:

                             Device or                     Total
Opt  File        User        Queue       User Data   Sts   Pages
     QSYSPRT     AIRPGMR     PRTDGM                  RDY       1
     QPJOBLOG    AIRPGMR     QPRINT      AIRNRA      RDY       2
     QSYSPRT     AIRPGMR     PRTDGM                  RDY       1
     QSYSPRT     AIRPGMR     PRTDGM                  RDY       1
     QPJOBLOG    AIRPGMR     QPRINT      TQE07       RDY       2
     QSYSPRT     AIRPGMR     PRTDGM                  RDY       1
     QSYSPRT     AIRPGMR     PRTDGM                  RDY       1
Each line is the name of a report on your Spool File. The most recent reports are at the bottom. Key a 5 next the report you want to view.

You should now be looking at the compiler listing. To quickly locate errors, key B (for bottom) in the CONTROL field and hit ENTER. You are now looking at the bottom of the compiler report.

If your program compiled successfully, the last few lines will look like:

          * * * * *   E N D   O F   F I N A L   S U M M A R Y   * * * *
Program CMNR020 placed in library AIR. 00 highest severity. Created on
           * * * * *   E N D   O F   C O M P I L A T I O N * * * * *

If not, it will look more like:

         * * * * *   E N D   O F   F I N A L   S U M M A R Y
Compilation stopped. Severity 30 errors found in program.
          * * * * *   E N D   O F   C O M P I L A T I O N * *

To find the errors, hit the PAGE UP key until you see:
   * * * * *   E N D   O F   E X T E R N A L   R E F E R E N C E S   * *
5769RG1 V4R2M0  980228 RN        IBM ILE RPG             AIR/CMNR020
                          M e s s a g e   S u m m a r y
 Msg id  Sv Number Message text
*RNF7031 00     61 The name or indicator is not referenced.
*RNF7066 00      1 Record-Format name of Externally-Described file is not
*RNF7030 30      1 The name or indicator is not defined.
*RNF7503 30      1 Expression contains an operand that is not defined.
       * * * * *   E N D   O F   M E S S A G E   S U M M A R Y   * * * *
These are the errors that need correcting. Anything with severity level 00 is NOT an error.

To find the error, go to the top of the report. Do this by keying T in the CONTROL field and hitting ENTER.

Then, key the error message ID in the FIND field. In this case, I keyed RNF7030 in the FIND field. Then, hit F16 to search. Remember F16 is SHIFT / F4.

In my case, the errors look like:

*RNF7066 00      2 000200  Record-Format CUSREC not used for
*RNF7030 30    123 005200  The name or indicator SYSDTECC is
*RNF7503 30    123 005200  Expression contains an operand tha
The errors RMF7030 and RNF7503 need to be fixed. They are both related to sequence # 123 in the compile listing which is line number 52.00 in the source file.

In my case, I misspelled a variable name. This caused 2 errors. Often, 1 error will cause more than 1 error message.

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