TexAS400 Tutorial

Using SDA to set up a simple Help Screen

One of the most intuitive development tools on the AS/400 is SDA, Screen Design Aid. With it, you build display screens and menus in a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) mode. We're going to look at how easy it is to create a simple help screen.

In only a few minutes, you can build a custom help screen for your user. Start SDA with the command STRSDA. You will see that SDA has three functions:

1)    Design Screens
2)    Design Menus
3)    Test Display Files

Use selection 2 to design a menu. Enter the name of your menu, where you have stored the source (usually QDDSSRC) and the library that it is in.

Now choose the selection to "Work with menu help" by changing the "N" to a "Y". Here you can define help screens that will display if your user enters a selection number and hits F1.

This is where you will "Create" the text for your help screen. You will also have 3 Range Options to choose from.

Valid ranges are:                     
00-00    General help for the entire menu. 
nn-nn    Where nn is a number between 01 and 99.  This is specific help for one option of
         the menu.              
nn-mm    Where nn is a number between 00 and 99 and mm is a number between 01 and 99 and 
         is greater that nn.  This is help for a range of options on your menu.           

Note:  You cannot create more than a single page of help for each range of options.              
You will see this screen displayed. Type in a 1 for Create in the Opt field, and 01 - 01 in the Range field. The 01 is only used for Selection 1 of your main menu selection. Option 02 is for Selection 2, etc..

                          Work with Menu Help Records                          
 File  . . . . . . :   QDDSSRC                Menu . . . . . . . :   MRCM001  
   Library . . . . :     User999                                                   
 Type options (and Range), press Enter.                                        
   1=Create          3=Copy           4=Delete            12=Update            
 Opt   Range     Text                                                          
 ___   __ - __                                                                    
 F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F9=Display image      F12=Cancel                   

                             Create Menu Help Record                         
 File  . . . . . . :   QDDSSRC                Menu . . . . . . . :   MRCM001
   Library . . . . :     USER999                                               
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                  
   Create help for option  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  01   01-99        
   Create help for option range (range xx-yy)                                
     From menu option  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ___   00-99        
     To menu option  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ___   01-99        
   Create general help (range 00-00) . . . . . . . . . .   N    Y=Yes, N=No  
 F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F9=Display image      F12=Cancel                 

From here, you will press Enter, a blank screen will appear and now you can type in the text
you want for your help screen.

Once you have created the text help for each option you chose, you should see the following
screen with your enhancements:

Work with Menu Help Records                          
 File  . . . . . . :   QDDSSRC                Menu . . . . . . . :   MRCM001  
   Library . . . . :     User999                                                   
 Type options (and Range), press Enter.                                        
   1=Create          3=Copy           4=Delete            12=Update            
 Opt   Range     Text                                                          
       01 - 01   Run Customer Query                                            
       02 - 02   Print Customer Query                                          
       03 - 03   Change Address in Customer File                               
       04 - 04   Show Customer File                                            
       05 - 05   Work with Printer Files                                       
 F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F9=Display image      F12=Cancel  
When you exit SDA, check the "object library" name. This is where your compiled menu objects will go. Hit enter and the AS/400 will compile your source code and your menu will be ready to run. SDA creates three objects, all with the same name: the commands, the display file and a message file for the menu.

When you run the menu you have created, type in selection 1 and press F1, when you do this you will see the following help screen.

HELP                  Running Customer Query Information                  
      This option will run the Customer Query.  The information of        
      this query will show you the Customer Name, Customer Number         
      and Address.                                                        
      Hit F3 to Exit, and Enter to run query.                             
F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                      

You can also use SDA to test and design display files. With the "Test Display Files" selection of SDA, you can see the fields and presentation of a display file. This works even if you don't have the source code.



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