TexAS400 Tutorial


 *  Define the CUST file with file type U for UPDATE                  
 *  (update means that you can read and re-write data)                
 *  and with record address type K for Keyed.                         
 *  (Keyed means the data can be directly read using the key field)    
FCUST      UF   E           K DISK                                    
 *  Next, define the display file. It must already exist.             
 *  The C indicates combined input and output. WORKSTN is            
 *  always used to indicate a display file.                           
FTUTD010   CF   E             WORKSTN                                 
D* This next few statements define constants that will be used        
D* as error messages.                                                  
D ERR1            C                   CONST('You must enter A, C,-    
D                                      or D')                         
D ERR2            C                   CONST('Customer # is not fo-    
D                                     und')                           
D ERR3            C                   CONST('Name cannot be blank')  
D ERR4            C                   CONST('Addr cannot be blank')  
D ERR5            C                   CONST('City cannot be blank')  
D ERR6            C                   CONST('State cannot be blan-   
D                                     k')                            
D ERR7            C                   CONST('Zip is invalid')        
C* This is the main loop.                                            
C* It will continue to show the first screen until F3 is pressed.     
C* When F3 is pressed, *IN03 will be truned *ON                      
C                   DoW       *in03 = *off                           
C* The next statement, executes the format (EXFMT) for SCRN1         
C* EXFMT displays the SCRN1 and waits until the user presses         
C* ENTER or F3. Then, it continues to the next statement.            
C                   ExFmt     SCRN1                                  
C* If F3 was pressed, *IN03 will be *ON so the IF will go to         
C* ENDIF and the DO will go to ENDDO.                                 
C                   If        *in03 = *off                            
C* EXSR is Execute Subroutine. It will process the subroutine         
C* named MAIN.                                                         
C                   ExSr      Main                                    
C                   EndIf                                             
C                   EndDo                                             
C* The next 2 statments end the program.                               
C                   Eval      *inlr = *on                             
C                   Return                                            
C* Subroutines begin with BEGSR and end with ENDSR.                    
C     Main          BegSr                                             
C* Use the CHAIN instruction to look for the Cust# entered in         
C* the field DSPCST.                                                   
C* This statements says to use the value in DSPACT to look up         
C* the value in CUST and to turn *IN90 to *ON if it is NOT found.      
C     DSPCST        Chain     CUST                               95 
C                   Eval      DSPMSG = *blanks                      
C                   Eval      *in90  = *off                         
C* Because this will eventually test for Add, Chg, Delete           
C* use the SELECT instead of IF.                                     
C                   Select                                          
C                   When      DSPACT = 'C'                          
C* If user wants to Change the record but it was not found,         
C* show error message. Otherwise Execute Subroutine to change it.   
C                   If        *in95  = *on                          
C                   Eval      DSPMSG = ERR2                         
C                   Eval      *in90  = *on                          
C                   Else                                            
C                   ExSr      ChangeRecord                          
C                   EndIf                                           
C                   Other                                          
C                   Eval      DSPMSG  = ERR1                       
C* Setting *IN90 to *ON will cause the error message to be         
C* displayed in reverse image (see the DDS for DSPMSG).             
C                   Eval      *in90   = *on                        
C                   EndSl                                          
C                   EndSr                                          
C     ChangeRecord  BegSr                                          
C* Show SCRN2. The values will be loaded from the CHAIN.            
C* Continue showing SCRN2 until either F12 is pressed or          
C* the data entered is OK. The subroutine EDITVALUES will put     
C* a message in DSPMSG if there is an error. If DSPMSG is         
C* still blank after EDITVALUES, then data is OK.                 
C* This starts a DO loop that will continue to loop               
C* Until DSPMSG is not blank OR *IN12 is *ON.                      
C                   DoU       DSPMSG = *BLANKS   or               
C                             *in12  = *on                        
C                   ExFmt     SCRN2                               
C* If the user hits F12 do not process,                           
C* otherwise, Edit the values to see if they are OK.               
C                   If        *in12 =  *off                       
C                   ExSr      EditValues                          
C* If there are no errors, update the record. The UPDATE           
C* uses the record name for the CUST file.                        
C                   If        DSPMSG = *blanks                    
C* UPDATE rewrites the record in the database file. Since the      
C* field names in the display file are the same as in the          
C* database file, RPG synchronizes the values.                     
C                   Update    CSREC                                
C* LEAVE will go to the ENDDO.                                      
C                   Leave                                          
C                   EndIf                                          
C                   EndIf                                          
C                   EndDo                                          
C                   EndSr                                          
C     EditValues    BegSr                                          
C* Make sure the values on the screen are OK.                       
C                   If        CSNAME = *BLANKS                     
C                   Eval      DSPMSG = ERR3                        
C                   Eval      *in90  = *on                         
C                   EndIf                                          
C                   If        CSADR1 = *BLANKS                     
C                   Eval      DSPMSG = ERR4                        
C                   Eval      *in90  = *on                         
C                   EndIf                                          
C                   If        CSCTY  = *BLANKS                     
C                   Eval      DSPMSG = ERR5                        
C                   Eval      *in90  = *on                         
C                   EndIf                                          
C                   If        CSSTE  = *BLANKS                     
C                   Eval      DSPMSG = ERR6                        
C                   Eval      *in90  = *on                         
C                   EndIf                                          
C                   If        CSZIP  = ' '
C                   Eval      DSPMSG = ERR7                     
C                   Eval      *in90  = *on                      
C                   EndIf                                       
C                   EndSr                      



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